“He who has a 'why' to live can bear with almost any how“
-Friedrich Nietzsche
A chilhood friend of mine has always been obsessed with saving money. For hours he explains about some recurring deposit scheme or some such thing where if you put Rs.1 Lakh
how it will become Rs.5 Lakhs in 7 years and this he keeps telling everyone in our friends’
circle who does not think beyond that day, namely me. He comes from a quite wealthy family
background than us in our circle, but always lead a life style of not even taking his car
for outings & stuff, always prefer to keep it under a tarpaulin cloth and travel in
autorickshaws & often on other’s bike.
One day I asked him what is the point of having money if you don’t use it for having a
better quality of life.
He answered saying, "if my grandfather and father thought the
same then i probably would not have had any money."
I answered ‘fine if you grandfather
works hard saves and saves and gives it to your father and then he saves and saves and gives
it to you and then you save and save give it to your son and what if you give birth to a son
like me. All the earlier three generations will become super big fools, Ha Ha!’
Money for me is potential energy and has no meaning unless it is made kinetic.
I would think in a very simplistic way on a philosophical level the origin of money could be
explained in this way. When men in the primitive times used to hunt they were like all other
animals. Hunt, eat, sleep, hunt again would have been the cycle.
And some time one among them has an idea of agriculture as in wanting to grow a crop. Now
others might not understand or share his vision but he will need them to work for him on the
crop. So to compensate them for working for his vision which could go wrong or right was
where money has been invented and he pays them with that.
So with the money they got, it becomes their energy which they could choose to make it
kinetic in whichever way they individually choose to. But again to enjoy money you first
need to enjoy the experience of living a life and also to be able to identify what all
life’s shop can offer you. For instance you can buy the greatest music system that a shop
can offer but you can’t buy from life’s shop a mind which can actually relish the music
which plays from it. That mind, you have to have yourself. If not, having money will just
amount to securing yourself fearing poverty or to feel a sense of elation in comparison to
others who have lesser money than you. Thus it becomes nothing but a measurement for your
own self esteem.
If you have a beautiful rich house others will admire especially those who live in the same
street, but you yourself will take it for granted in not more than one day after the
interior décor is done and from then on you will be only looking at its faults. Also if you
have issues with your wife, the same house will look like a horror house from your point of
view as you are approaching it after your days work.
The point I am trying to make is that no materialistic things like a music system, a car, a house etc can really give you pleasure unless it enhances the pleasure of your own personal feelings with regard to them in one way or the other. If you are with a person who bores you it won’t make a difference if you are having The Balvenie Doublewood in the Lounge of Waldorf Astoria and if you are interested in the person having a Beer with, in a Local roadside BAR also will do wonders.
The point of life is to relish your feelings and money can make a point if and only it helps
you achieve that. I don’t care for people who want to make money just to save it as I don’t understand the point of trying to prepare for losses and death right from the time of being born. Then what’s the point of being born?
I want money so that I can organise events but I don’t do them so that I can make money. I
have never made money and I think I never will. The reason for that being my mindset of
constantly putting to use whatever money I have going by my theory of making it kinetic. So
even if I organise an event which does not work, which obviously can not be my intention,
the least it is doing is give that some people work thereby making them kinetic, and yes at
least it is making them earn their livelihood and I irrespective of losing money i will
still generate more contacts & goodwill out of it.
Ideas and feelings are the only true wealth anyone can really possess and on that account I
have always been rich and I will always be, that is at least for myself. Whether that
achieves anything in others perception or not it’s not my concern as “I live for myself”.
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