“the eyes, chico, they never lie!.”
I’ve been trying vigorously.. so far, since, I watched Tony
Montana saying this to Chico-Manny Ribera after immensely smitten by Elvira
Hancock in Scarface, to understand and analyze what does it actually mean? Does
he refers to the intensity in ‘em– or just the eyes of Elvira-or just make it
up-or.. I didn’t know and couldn’t figure out too.
Now i don’t remember the day, but just like an another day I was
sitting here at my workplace, ‘working’-involuntarily, not talking to anyone
around, lost!-for certain & obvious reasons.. I see this terrifically
stunning girl walking towards the restroom which is located exactly on the
floor where everybody works. I wanted to kill the engineer who designed it, the
authorized body who wanted it that way and every male who relentlessly stuck
their eyeballs towards that restroom. Because from that very moment I felt the
immense urge to kill all of them to make this place a filth, where this
terrifically beautiful female has to pass by. I developed this yearning with
utter consciousness and intensity as I do for everything I wish and want to do..Since,
my childhood. But if you think or have developed an impression about me being,
maniacally a loon (which I care a damn about and don’t give a fuck), my reason
will serve the purpose.
Coming back to the scene I was describing about this girl I encountered that day, yeahh.. SHE WAS STUNNING and the very sight of her was extremely terrific. Now certainly when it’s talked about women and it’s about praising them, ‘TO THE CORE!’ (this is somethin’ I got from my #TheTamilConnection), instantly it highlights the attention towards the physical aspect, and m not gonna deny that but refuse to accept it as the main agent of inspiration to write this. Indeed, the reason itself is pretty insanely killer and hazardous.. ‘em Eyes!
Yes her ‘eyes’ .. I resist to use the lines such as, ‘they are
deep’ ‘most beautiful eyes ever seen’ and s#$%..nope! Not that shit! I was
highly smitten by the way she uses her eyes, more than how they are ardently delineated.
Every time I encounter them, it strikes me as an artwork. Her eyes just outvies
her whole body and I seriously believe she commands over her body language
through her eyes as they does to our heart beats as she enters this place. And
this has a tremendous effect on the keen observers who long, just for a sight
of her, once in a day. And the rest belongs to the ‘herd’.
The intend of her, might not be cruelly murderous to do what turns
out to be an ecstatic effect on poor beings like me, but my intend has always
been to get afflicted, consciously for the extreme high I get. When one finds
something out of his/her reach, it makes ‘em crazy but when one realizes &
accepts this fact;It enlightens ‘em! I don’t know why the fuck did I use that line?
But I hope it added some philosophic element to what I want to convey. Anyways,
If I could. I would write a book about her..Which I think m gonna do
eventually.. but m trying my best, in every possible way to make it short &
precise, just not to bore her and spare her precious time reading this
(hopefully), unlike unimportant-ugly beings like u n me who has all the time of
this universe to make the utmost less out of it and do nothing.
Besides, the blessed encounters of her hands, hair..aah ‘em mountain of curls are bliss to stare, nose, and at times that exquisite angle ..like in the noir movies (not for u unintellectual – so called ’movie-buffs’) my vision pierce sharply into the zoom-in mode when I look back to have a glimpse of her.. gorgeousness and gorgeousity..it creates a Mayhem.. the smile which is ultra-rare and should be since, it’s not coming from an ordinary-manufactured face but from an aesthetically incepted creation of the supreme power, they call him GOD.. and her voice, which I haven’t heard so far and that’s tranquilizing.. at times I wonder it’d be easy to get a woman deliver the baby than to c or make her laugh, but I have the strongest belief that I would witness that before this life gives up on me as all the females out here did on themselves (I’m soopersure-also, who lives around her) since the day, she arrived.. The most important & intriguing thing about her is – The Invisible Wall!
That’s what every girl tries at her best to create and fall
along with it, breaking their nose and others’ too. Because it’s essential for
every beautiful being like her, to create that wall to protect themselves from
the herd and every living being who are unequal-unmatchable to their beauty,
brains and intensity.

As intensely she kills us with ‘em ultra-killa Eyes &
attitude, we gladly wish to die every day and voraciously crave to
stab the person, to death who schedules her day-off when we have to work
without seeing her and after that turn out an inept after the shift ends,
desperately wishes to murder everyone on the street out of disappointment and
since, so much violence is involved in praising and sharing the most terrific
experience with an exquisitely vehement female..
I named it..‘Qatl-E-Am!’